SECONDARY HOUSING CO-OPERATIVE OF THE TRADERS OF THE PREFECTURE OF HERAKLION Co-op Ltd. 28, 1770 STR., P.C. 71202 TEL. - FAX NUMBER 2810-341563 Pg.3 - April: The Department of Hydraulic Works, Directorate of Technical Services, Region of Crete ratifies the boundary lines of the stream in our property. - June: Following our application to the Department of Reclamation Works, Lassithi Perfecture, the license to construct two bores intended to provide drinking water is obtained. - July: The two bores (bathrooms – garden and tree row watering) are constructed in different parts east and west of the estate, while the distance between the two bores is 1000 m. The performance of each bore is 240 m3 for 24 h, while the water quality is very good (General Chemical State Laboratory of Heraklion). - August: During the meeting between the President of the Co-Operative and the Secretary General of the Hellenic Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works Mr S. Kambelis, regarding the shortening of the approval time of the Environmental Impact Assessment, the latter makes known to us that if the Report on the Areas of Specially Regulated Urban Planning (PERPO Report) is not attached in the assessment, it will be declined by the Council of State (i.e rejection of the Doctors and Professors Housing Co-operative Reports). - September: Following our request and our contribution to the supply of aggregates, the Prefecture of Lassithi constructs an asphalted public roundabout route from the main road towards Milatos until the pavilion in our building site. - November : During the meeting of the President of the Co-Operative with the Secretary General of the Hellenic Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works Mr S. Kambelis, the acceleration of the tender procedures for the completion of the Lassithi District PERPO Report (Housing Co-operatives of Traders and of the Hellenic Telecommunications Organization Employees [OTE Employees]) is requested. - December: The General Secretariat of the Hellenic Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works undertook the obligation to compile the Lassithi District PERPO Report (Housing Co-operatives of Traders and of the OTE Employees) at its own expenditure. 2004 - April: The Eastern Crete Development Organisation undertakes the completion of the Lassithi District PERPO Report – a project that the Hellenic Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works sponsors with 30.000,00 euros. - December: The PERPO Report is submitted to the Eastern Crete Development Organisation by Mrs Lagoudaki’s Office. 2005 - February: The Eastern Crete Development Organisation submits the Lassithi District PERPO Report to the Prefecture of Lassithi for approval. - March: During the meeting between the President and the Vice-President of the Public Investments Program (P.D.E.) and the Prefect of Lassithi Mr Stratakis , the latter promises that within May 2005 the proposals / objections will be submitted and after that they will be submitted to the Prefectural Council for pre-approval. 2008 - July: On 10th July 2008 the decision regarding the approval of the General Directions For Specially Regulated Urban Planning ( PERPO) is published in the Official Government Gazette of the Hellenic Republic (FEK) [issue number 284 or number 26872]. This decision refers to land owners with plots outside the town plan and outside the town plan of the villages before 1923 as well as those with plots outside the town plan of villages of up to 2000 inhabitants in the area of Lassithi District.