SECONDARY HOUSING CO-OPERATIVE OF THE TRADERS OF THE PREFECTURE OF HERAKLION Registration Number 370 Heraklion 14/05/2009 ORDINARY GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE MEMBERS OF THE SECONDARY HOUSING CO-OPERATIVE OF THE TRADERS OF THE PREFECTURE OF HERAKLION Co-op Ltd. To all the members of the Secondary Housing Co-operative of the Traders of the Prefecture of Heraklion Heraklion Ladies and Gentlemen, You are invited to attend the Ordinary General Assembly held at the Conference Center, Pancretan Cooperative Bank located at 5, Ikarou Avenue, on Monday 8th June 2009, at 19:30. Given that the attendance of at least three fourths of the total Co-operative members is required for the General Assembly to be legally constituted and given the fact that this attendance number is difficult to be achieved on the above mentioned date, the General Assembly will finally be held the following Monday on 15/06/2009, at the same place and at the same time. Then the Assembly will commence its work compulsorily regardless of the number of the members that will be attending (article 20 of the Charter). Everyone’s attendance on the 15th June is compulsory. AGENDA ITEMS 1. Briefing on the Co-operative’s progress by the Administrative Council. 2. Financial Year 2008 Balance Sheet approval. SECONDARY HOUSING CO-OPERATIVE OF THE TRADERS OF THE PREFECTURE OF HERAKLION Co-op Ltd. 28, 1770 STR., P.C. 71202 TEL. - FAX NUMBER 2810-341563 Heraklion 14/05/2009 Dear Shareholders, The newly elected Administrative Council (as of 20/7/2008) that is made up of: 1. Mathioudakis - Botis Panagiotis President 2. Theodoropoulos Athanasios Vice President 3. Giannaris Nikolaos Secretary General 4. Parigoris Ioannis Treasurer 5.Valourdos Stilianos Member informs you about the following: A) After our telephone conversations with the Hellenic Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works and the personal visit to the Ministry responsible on 24/12/2008, the “Issuance of Residential Development Certificate” of the 637, 00 decares plot intended for the construction of holiday residences (house estate) is pre-approved (in accordance with paragraph 6 of article 24 in the Greek law 2508/97). This means that the Ministry pre-approves our Environmental Impact Assessment. Furthermore, regarding the issuance of a certificate for the urban planning of the estate (paragraph 6 of article 24 in the Greek law 2508/97), we are dealing with undue bureaucratic delays in the Hellenic Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works. We did not anticipate such difficulties – we were asked again for supplementary data. This certificate should have been issued since January. We will intervene vigorously as soon as we can (as soon as we collect the supplementary data) and we believe that we will overcome the difficulties as soon as possible. The newly elected Council manages and protects the property of its members in the best possible way in order to fulfill our perennial unfulfilled dream. B) After our commitment to resolve the issue of the notarial acts in regard to voting, we sent a relevant letter to the Judicial Department, Hellenic Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works on 24/11/2008. On 11/03/2009 we received the reply letter in which it is stated that an article of our charter can be amended once an absolute majority is obtained during the General Assembly of our members (article 5 of paragraph 8 in the Hellenic Presidential Decree 93/87). In the above mentioned article it is stated: “The decision to amend the charter is possible once in the General Assembly of the members absolute majority vote of the enlisted members is obtained, regardless whether at the time of the assembly and during its administrative period certain members have walked away from the assembly or passed away”. Absolute majority means more than the half of the enlisted members. C) The control of the previous financial years is conducted after prosecution order. We are waiting for the District Attorney’s decision, which will be notified to you. D) Also, we would like to remind those who have delayed to meet their financial obligations to Co-operative, to sort this out if it is possible – even if these obligations are partly met. This results to a setback of our aim, as well as it produces disadvantages to the interests of the rest members of the Co-operative. E) For prompt updates, we have set up the website For any other information we are at your disposal – you can either visit the Co-operative’s office or call us at the following numbers 2810-341563 and 2810-287244. With honor THE PRESIDENT THE SECRETARY GENERAL Mathioudakis-Botis Panagiotis Giannaris Nikolaos
