SECONDARY HOUSING CO-OPERATIVE OF THE TRADERS OF THE PREFECTURE OF HERAKLION Heraklion 21/10/2015 INVITATION ORDINARY GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE MEMBERS OF THE SECONDARY HOUSING CO-OPERATIVE OF THE TRADERS OF THE PREFECTURE OF HERAKLION To all the members of the Secondary Housing Co-operative of the Traders of the Prefecture of Heraklion Heraklion Ladies and Gentlemen, You are invited to attend the Ordinary General Assembly held at the Labor’s Conference Center, located at 10, Dimoktratias Avenue, on Μonday 30/11/2015 at 18:30 p.m. Given that the attendance of at least three fourths (¾) of the total Co-operative members is required for the General Assembly to be legally constituted and given the fact that this attendance number is difficult to be achieved on the above mentioned date, the General Assembly will finally be held the following Monday on 7/12/2015, at the same place and at the same time. Then the Assembly will compulsorily commence its work regardless of the number of the members that will be attending (article 20 of the Charter). Everyone’s attendance on the 7th December 2015 is compulsory. AGENDA ITEMS
- Briefing on the Co-operative’s progress by the Administrative Counsil.
- Requirements for participation in the lottery of shares.
- Financial Year 2014 Balance Sheet approval.
- 2016 Budget Approval.
Copies of Balance Sheet 2014 and Budget 2016 will be available at the office of our Association, the General Assembly as well as on our website The President The Secretary General Mathioudakis-Botis Panagiotis Giannaris Nikolaos